Today, I win.
It’s Chris’ birthday and even though he said not to worry about it, he doesn’t want a cake, etc., etc. I knew there was no way the day could slide by normally. Not after the amazing two weeks worth of fun we had for Nora’s birthday. Not when the day miraculously fell on his day off. Not if I have a say so.
Because what kind of housewife would I be if I didn’t try to make homemade donuts? Which looked a little wonky, but tasted really good.
Obviously. She didn’t even eat her eggs or potatoes. (Attempt two coming soon. I will not let donuts defeat me!)
And what kind of housewife would I be if I didn’t bake a cake?Or plan a completely perfect and secluded
(that sole person and dog are Chris and Pip)
beach picnic?With lots of delicious food
and a very appropriate bottle of wine.
I had hoped to try to drive out to Great Point lighthouse, but we couldn’t sneak past the guard without an over-sand permit. It was disappointing, but completely forgotten when we discovered a new beach out in Quidnet.
Everyone had a great time, including Pip (who eventually had to be leashed because he just wanted to run and run and run down the beach).
We ate and drank and stared out at a surprisingly calm ocean. We watched our amazing little girl play in the sand. We talked about the wonder that is our life on Nantucket, and for a bit we just sat. Listening to ocean breeze, breathing salt air, and leaning on one another.
And then Chris couldn’t resist the temptation of his new toy.Yes, we are finally entering the land of no return: smart phone land. With unlimited texting and internet access. It could be the best thing ever or it could be the end of family time without gadgetry. We’ll find out. Since it was Chris’ birthday, he got his first; I have to wait and be jealous for a few more months. But today, I wasn’t jealous at all; just happy with how thrilled and surprised he was to unwrap that gift.
After all that talk of, “don’t worry about it,” I’m pretty proud of how the day turned out. It was exactly the way Chris would want “his” day to be. Sleeping in. His kind of breakfast. A surprise of the technology-sort. Time with Nora. Time to relax on his own. Food almost as good as his own. An afternoon nap…and I even let him of the hook for today’s dishes.
Now I’m just bragging. But the thing is, today is the start of the first week of our new plan. No more Mr. T. We’ll miss him, but I’m also looking forward to refocusing my priorities and refreshing my efforts around here.
Chris is amazing; he never says anything, even when he comes home to a disastrous house. But I often feel like I’m not doing everything that I want to do; that I’m not living up to my own expectations. So I’m not planning to find another child to babysit. Chris got a small salary bump at the end of the season, so we’re going to try to make things work on that. Maybe I’ll contribute through an occasional webdesign job or some lactation counseling work, but mostly I’m going to be spending time one-on-one with this adorable girland putting my energies back into my housewife challenges. Specifically, the whole clean house thing. And since it’s fall, it’s time again to re-evaluate and plan for the food budget (which I’ll admit has gone out the window the last three weeks with $90+ shopping trips — yikes!). And, now that I have more mornings free, I’ve been contemplating looking for a yoga class. And…
There’s always more, more, more, isn’t there? I’ll let you know how it all goes. But for today? Today, I win.
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